Musicians In Motion

Letter to parents and students

 2022 Studio Policies & Pricing Changes
 Dear Parents and Students,
First I want to thank you all for supporting us and trusting us to teach you and your children throughout COVID, and some of you from even years before that.  We’ve worked hard to maintain our level of service and offer you the joy of music in your home and hope you continue to trust us for years to come!  As with any company that relies on software to run, we sometimes come across software that looks better and sometimes it’s so good we decide to take the plunge, endure the pain of switching and adapt to the new softwares idiosyncrasies.  We tried that with the current software, Teacherzone, and it’s been a disappointment in many ways, forcing us to change once again.  We are also taking this opportunity to update our policies, some of which have to be tweaked to line up with the new software’s capabilities (which are WAY better in every way).  No software is perfect, but we feel this new software, Opus1 is the answer to our biggest problems. 
One of the biggest areas the developers focused was on allowing students to schedule and reschedule lessons on their own rather than having to call the office in order to see what’s available, especially for make up lessons.  We are also going to allow teachers to schedule make up lessons to help fill their empty spots which help some of you with MANY make up lessons owed to get those taken care of much quicker.  Between students being proactive as well as their teachers, the front desk can focus more on quality and just making sure things are running smoothly rather than spending all day scheduling and rescheduling lessons.  I think you will love the new scheduling capabilities of the software!  
One of the other major changes you will notice is that we are switching to doing a flat rate rather than charging every four weeks.  We actually poled a number of parents and it was unanimous that everyone preferred a flat rate, so the fact that the software doesn’t do a similar billing style worked out OK.   Everyone will be billed on the 1st of the month for however much your monthly rate is, and this amount won’t change even if you have five lessons.  The months with five lessons make up for the months with 3 (which are very few) so you might even get an extra lesson for free if you attend all your lessons!  All prior payments will be taken into consideration the first month so don’t worry…you’re not forfeiting any lessons or money previously paid.  All banked lessons and paid lessons will be transferred to the new software.  
In changing to the flat rate, we also much alter some of our pricing, and to simplify this change an eliminate errors, we are going to put everyone on the same pricing plan.  If you have a percentage discount, you still get that, but it will be based on the new pricing. The new pricing will be as follows:


30 minute weekly lesson $145/mo
45 minute weekly lesson $200/mo
60 minute weekly lesson $250/mo


In-home is $40 more per month 
Group piano $100/mo
Music Funtime $120/mo
Kidzrock $130


Below you will find the new policies.  

 Our teachers reserve time on their schedules, plan for your lessons, and invest in the long-term development of each student. To provide regular, quality lessons, the following policies need to be observed. 

Membership Tuition:

  1. A $40 non-refundable registration fee is due at initial sign-up ($10 discount for siblings and returning members).
    • Returning Member is a member with one (1) or more months gap between enrollment.
  2. Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) lessons, and on rare occasions, three (3) lessons when in observance of major national holidays
  3. Tuition is due on the first of each month and is billed automatically to a credit or debit card of your choice (“Auto-pay”)
  4. A $25 late fee will be charged for payment received after the 10th of each month.
  5. A $25 fee will be charged for each returned check (ACH).
  6. Included in the membership:
    • Regular weekly lesson time with your teacher. (Except when the studio is closed for holidays).
    • Two (2) yearly recital performance opportunities at no additional cost (Spring and Summer Recitals, on a first come first serve basis. Accompaniments are included in membership).
    • One (1) yearly Honors Recital performance opportunity at no additional cost (based on teacher selection).
  7. Educational material, music books, instrument rental and other accessories are additional cost.
  8. Members may purchase additional exam or recital preparation lessons.

Membership Cancellation: 

  1. Membership may be cancelled by submitting our ONLINE WITHDRAWAL FORM  
    • Cancellation Form must be received by the 15th of the month to take effect at the end of that month.
      • Example: Cancellation Form received on the 16th of May is billed for June and takes effect at the end of June.
    • There are no exceptions.
  2. All Make-up Lesson Credit(s) on your account expires in 30 days from the cancellation effective date.
  3. Membership is not transferable.
  4. Musicians In Motion reserves the right to terminate membership, in which case prorated tuition will be refunded.


  1. Students are expected to be punctual to their weekly lessons.

Missed Lesson:

  1. All cancellations and reschedules must be done through the new software online called Opus1.  You will be sent information on how to do this.  
  2. No tuition credit or refund will be provided for student-cancelled lessons.
  3. A Make-up Lesson Credit will be issued when a lesson is cancelled with at least 24-hour advance notice (By email or online).
    • Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will not qualify for a Make-up Lesson Credit (This includes being sick the day of a scheduled lesson).
    • No more than three (3) Make-up Lesson Credits can be pending at a time per membership.
    • It can be used to schedule Make-up Lesson online or by email at any time with your teacher or other available teacher.
    • Make-up Lessons cannot be rescheduled.
    • Should you end your membership, Make-up Lesson Credit(s) expires 30 days after membership ends.


  1. You may decide to change teacher or instrument but notifying us by the 15th and will take effect on the 1st of the next month.
  2. If your teacher is unable to teach a lesson, a substitute teacher may be arranged. 
  3. Regular lesson cancellation policy applies to substitute teachers. No Make-up Credit is issued for last minute substitutions.
  4. If your teacher becomes unavailable for regular lessons, you will be provided a new teacher with similar teaching style, or the opportunity to choose a new teacher.

Summer (June, July, August):

  1. You may exceptionally put a membership on “Summer Hold” for up to two (2) months by notifying us in writing two weeks in advance. Your lesson time and teacher will be reserved only by pre-paying tuition for the returning month. (Latest resume date is September 1st).
  2. While on summer hold, members may exceptionally purchase individual lessons.

Care of Students:

Musicians In Motion is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students.  We are not able to keep track of every student after the lessons, so please be sure to arrive before the end of the lesson if you have a younger child in lessons.  


You assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in musical activities at Musicians In Motion and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge Musicians In Motion and its officers and staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of their participation in Musicians In Motion musical activities.

Photo/Video Release: 

Unless requested in writing, Musicians In Motion is granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials Musicians In Motion creates.  Permission is also hereby granted for Musicians In Motion  to copyright such photographs in its name.  Should you wish to opt out, please let us know.


We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

Policy effective upon enrollment.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.  

Policies & terms are subject to change.

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